
January 14, 2018 T-Shirt eCommerce team 0


  1. Supported WooCommerce 3.x
  2. Change layout of add product design
  3. Supported wordpress multisite
  4. Update attributes in page design tool when choose attribute in page product detail and edit design from cart.
  5. dd spinner with size in page design tool
  6. Add spinner with size in page design tool


  1. Fix plus price with product design color when add to cart on product page detail
  2. Active layout default not works on some server
  3. Can’t save product in woocommerce
  4. Save radio attribute 1st
  5. White page when save product, clipart… on admin
  6. Can’t load large amount of fonts on design tool
  7. Update mini cart of woocommerce 3.0.x
  8. Can not save design on IE
  9. cut layout on iphone
  10. Hide thumb front, back, right, left on mobile
  11. Edge version 15.x: can’t change color of clipart and count colors of design.