Activate clipart store

August 27, 2021 T-Shirt eCommerce team 0

T-Shirt eCommerce Store give to your site library with cliparts and design template from our T-Shirt eCommerce Store give. View More

When you use store, your site will included features smart data.

  • Statistic users use design tool.
  • Statistic top sales of clipart
  • Statistic top search keyword
  • Save cliparts client used.
  • Keyword suggestion
  • Auto saved design of client


Active store on your site

  1. Go to webiste and create account.
  2. Go to admin page of your site T-Shirt eCommerce > Settings > Configuration > Tab Config


  • Enable Store: You can  use or No store.
  • Your API: After you create account on, system will give to you API and you only copy to your site.
  • Automatic download new data: design create by designer everyday. You can use this option to automatic download new data or click button “Updata Data Now” to download new data.
  • Show Your Clipart: It is cliparts you added in menu clipartsYou can show  or hide it.
  • Exchange Rate: If you want add price to order of customers, you only add this field = 0


Video step by step active store