how to stay sober

Say them out loud, what you’re wearing, where you’re sitting, what year it is, what city you live in, that the light is on, that the walls are blue, etc. Doing this can help stop rapid thought and bring you back to the present. Some of the most creative people used artistic expression to showcase what they’re feeling. Don’t fear the struggles, let them out in a healthy way.

  • You can try a combination of exercise routines and practices like yoga, Pilates, or dancing to find out what works best for you.
  • Support groups like Narcotics Anonymous also encourage you to get a sponsor and work through the steps as a way of maintaining your sober life.
  • You need to get out of your old space, routine and mindset.
  • Don’t be afraid to mute or unfollow accounts that you’ve realized are out of alignment with what you stand for.
  • Depending on the type of dependency, PAWS can last from six months to two years after you stop using drugs or alcohol.

Go to Mutual Support Groups

One of my tips for staying sober is staying off of social media for an extended period of initial recovery time. Honestly, I’ve gone back and forth with deleting my social accounts completely. Even if it’s a loved one or family member, you have to decide what is more important; their feelings or your long-term sobriety? If your loved one is willing to go to family therapy, that is a boundary to consider before cutting them out completely. Professional addiction treatment helps you manage withdrawal symptoms when you first decide to stay sober. Additionally, it can help you manage the challenges of addiction.

Avoid Old Routines and Habits

Now that you are sober, you may have discovered that some of your past relationships were not only unhealthy but downright toxic. It’s not just your drinking buddies and drug dealers who can get you into trouble—sometimes those who are closest to you can contribute to a relapse. Many people can trace their path to addiction tips to stay sober to some toxic relationships they had in the past. Staying sober will require you to cut away from associations that led you down the abyss of addiction. You may need to sever ties with not only your drinking buddies or dealers; but also family members or friends who may have been inadvertently enabling your habits.

Recognize Relapse Warning Signs

If you’re sober, you’ve already found strategies to avoid drinking; the key is to keep up with what’s worked and consider additional ways to stay focused on your goal. But first, let’s clarify what sobriety actually means. Now, when I say manifest your dreams, I’m not suggesting making a vision board, hanging it up, and expecting it to do the work.

how to stay sober

This includes finding ways to prevent or limit any relapses. It’s important to evaluate each invitation and consider if it aligns with your recovery goals. If you feel uneasy or uncertain, it may be best to decline or bring a sober support person with you. If you do attend, have a plan in place (such as bringing your own non-alcoholic beverage) and be prepared to leave if you feel uncomfortable. At Quest 2 Recovery, we understand the intricacies of this journey.

how to stay sober

For many people, staying sober means abstinence from alcohol, drugs, or other intoxicating substances. However, there is more to sobriety than not being under the influence at a point in time. Staying off intoxicants is crucial, but to truly stay sober, one must identify and overcome the factors that led to the addiction in the first place. While it’s not feasible to avoid social situations entirely, it’s crucial to be equipped to handle them.

The hope is that you will be ready to resume daily life after treatment, manage stressors and triggers, and stay sober for the long term. The reality is that many situations can make it hard to reintegrate into normal life without some hiccups and potential for relapse. Aftercare programs make it easier to remain in recovery and avoid returning to substance use.

how to stay sober

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