Plugin installation

August 26, 2021 T-Shirt eCommerce team 0

  1. Get file and purchased code from

When your purchase complete, it’s time to get your file and  license key for installation

  • Download files

Login to your account on and find our item in downloads tab.


. Extract file and get license key

  • Extract setup files

Extract zip file which you have downloads and use file “” for installation

  • Get Purchased code

Why you need using purchased code?

Purchased code is very important with the plugin. You need purchased code to verify your purchasing ( in plugin setting) and get free update ( lifetime) also free 6 month technical support. We will refuse support if your website can’t show purchased code or purchased code not verified

How to get purchased code

Please find purchased code in file ” license certificate & purchased code”


    2. Plugin installation

*Note: Always install woocommerce before install Tshirtecommerce plugin

We have 2 option for installation: Backend installation  and FTP installation

  1. Backend installation

.Login to your backend -> find plugin menu, choose “add new” tab

Click on “upload plugin” button, click on  “choose file” and upload file “”

Click “install now” and waiting

Click “ activate now” when installation success

  • FTP Installation
  1. Open your favorite FTP application and connect to your server.
  2. Go to folder “/wp-content/plugins/” folder.
  3. Upload tshirtecommerce folder (you extracted from” file).
  4. Login to your website
  5. Go to Plugins > installed plugins

Find plugin WooCommerce Custom Product Designer and click “activate” link.