
August 25, 2021 T-Shirt eCommerce team 0

System supported use google fonts or upload font from your computer.

Add Google fonts

  1. Go to T-Shirt eCommerce > Settings > Fonts
  2. Click button +g
  3. Choose font and save


Upload font from computer

  1. Go to T-Shirt eCommerce > Settings > Fonts
  2. Click button add “+
  3. Upload file font and save



  1. Please upload files ttf and woff, some browser is supported with ttf, some supported with woff so please upload all to sure your site works good on all browser.
  2. Click Here to convert ttf to woff.
  3. Thumb font: You can use software Paint of window to create file image PNG with text and this font. This file help client easy see style of font.